Useful Information For Your Trip

Useful Information For Your Trip
We have prepared useful information to help you better plan for your trip to Peru. If you have any questions or recommendations, don´t hesitate to contact us through e-mail.

How much money should you bring?
This depends on the average amount spent by each person. However we recommend combining money in cash, credit cards, and traveling checks.

You don´t need a visa to enter Peru. Citizens from the majority of countries in western Europe, Asia, south and north America, Australia, New Zealand, or South Africa are not required to have a visa. However it is required to have your passport up to date. 

Citizens from the Russian Federation, the Republic of Belarus, and Ukraine don´t require a visa. The maximum authorized period of stay is 90 days.

Customs offices
It is prohibited, without a special authorization, the export of archaeological and valuable historical objects from the country.

You can import 2 liters of alcoholic beverages and 400 cigarettes. If you are going to buy archaeological objects, you must obtain documentation from the National Institute of Culture (NIC) in order to show the authorities. 

When is it the best time to visit Peru?
The best time to visit this country is the period between June and December (highlands and jungle), due to the lack of rain during this time. Likewise December through march (the coast), which is summer.

They should be according to climate. During raining season (December through March in the highlands), you should take a waterproof jacket. In winter warm clothing is used at night; and short sleeve shirts, hats, and sun screen during the day. If you´re traveling to the jungle, you must not forget to take insect repellent and a flash light.

Always drink bottled water. Ice in restaurants and tourist bars is purified.
We suggest that you eat at recommended restaurants.
We recommend that you eat a lot of fruit and drink natural juices like: papaya juice, maracuya, and camucamu, these are all good for your digestive system.
If you take any medication, you should find out if you can buy it here in Peru. If not, you better bring it with you.
For the altitude, we recommend that you take pills "soroché" or coca tea (mate de coca).
If you´re traveling to the jungle, we recommend that you take vitamin "B" one day before you arrive at the city of Iquitos in order to avoid bug bites.

For people who have planned to travel through the Amazon, we recommend that you get vaccinated for yellow fever 10 days before your trip. The vaccine can also be administered at the Jorge Chaves International airport, which is open 24 hours a day except on Sundays. The office is called: International Health Department.

Local Time
(-5hours GMT-Greenwich Mean Time).
The difference with Moscow - 9 hours (summer time) and 8 hours (winter time) 

The voltage in Peru is 220 volts AC, 60 Hz. There is a voltage of 110 volts at four and five star hotels. Make sure to check the voltage of your equipment such as hair dryers, battery chargers, notebooks, video cameras, etc.. You don´t need most of these appliances, but if it were the case you should use transformers of 110/220 volts in order for them to work properly in Peru, which can be purchased at your arrival. 

Banks and currency exchange
They work from Monday to Friday from 09.00 to 17.00, Saturday - from 09.00 to 13.00 (During the summer the time schedule can be changed). Many banks in provinces have individual working schemes. 

You can exchange currency in exchange shops, hotels (they charge high commissions), shops, and banks. Preference is given to American dollars, and you can only exchange other countries´ currencies at the capital´s largest banks. Normally damaged or torn bills are not exchanged.

The ATMs in the capital give out cash in soles and dollars. Credit cards (with commissions of up to 8%) and traveler's checks can be used in the capital, cities, and in tourist destinations (the preference is given to checks in U.S. dollars).

In restaurants and hotels prices typically already include 10% for this concept. Because of this you do not have to pay tips. But if you are satisfied with the service, you can leave the tip according to your satisfaction. In Peru people tend to tip the driver, guide, and luggage carrier. It is not customary to tip a taxi driver.

Communication (Telephone use)
If your phone has roaming service, then there will be no problem with communication. Otherwise, we can offer you other options. In Peru there is a wide variety of phone cards that allow you to call long distance nationally and internationally from any telephone (not cell phones or pay phones). Anyway, if you do not have a card at hand, you can call from your hotel.

  • To make an international call dial: 00 + country code + city code + phone number
  • To make a call to provinces dial: 0 + city code + phone number
  • Telephone guide service: 103 (Spanish service).

At the airport

Always keep luggage stubs, which may be necessary in case of loss. If your luggage does not arrive at your destination, we recommend you contact the airline representative of your arriving flight. The representative will inform you which procedure to follow.

In the case of lost luggage, the airline will pay compensation according to the rate determined for each kilogram (the weight is indicated on the receipt). 

Do not forget before flying to take off all the labels on your bags, which were left on from previous trips. It is advisable to place labels on your suitcase, which indicate your personal information: your name, home telephone numbers, and country of destination.

Prohibited items that can´t be brought on the plane to Peru 
It is allowed to take, in your carry on, small quantities of liquids in containers with an individual maximum capacity of 100 ml. These containers must be packaged in a transparent plastic bag with a zip lock which should have a maximum capacity of more than one liter (bag approximately 20 x 20 cm. Or 15 x 25 cm.). This will facilitate the inspection of these products in the safety controls. Passengers must obtain such bags before commencing their journey.

The LAG includes (but not limited to): drinkable liquids, soups, syrups, jam, mayonnaise, stews, sauces, and pastas; or foods in salsas or high liquid content, creams, lotions, cosmetics and oils; perfumes, hair gels and  shower gels. This also includes contents in pressurized containers (example: aerosols); including shaving foam, other foams and deodorants, pastes including toothpaste; mixtures of liquid and solid substances, mascara, lip gloss or lip balm , and all other items of similar consistency at room temperature.

However, the new rules do not limit the acquisition of these liquids or substances in retail outlets or shops located beyond the security checkpoint, where you show your boarding pass, or on board the aircraft.

However, if these products are sold in sealed bags, do not open them until you have finished your journey.

Finally, note that there are exceptions to these restrictions, such as liquids that are essential for medical purposes or fulfill special dietary needs (such as baby food) or of another nature; provided if they are really necessary and in reasonable amounts or volumes in regard to the expected duration of the flight. If you have any questions, please check with your airline.

